Join us for “Are You COACH-CURIOUS?” July 20th, 2023 from 5-6pm Pacific Time.
One of our lead trainers, Michelle Andrada, will guide you through a curated conversation designed to answer every question you’ve had about whether or not a coaching certification is right for you and whether NOW is the time.
There may be a lot of reasons as to why you haven’t committed to stepping forward into coach training. It's natural to have doubts and uncertainties.
This conversation on July 20th is for you if you have experienced or currently experience:
1. Lack of Clarity: You may be unsure about your own passion and purpose, questioning if coaching is the right path for you
2. Financial Concerns: Financial considerations often come into play when contemplating any training or certification program. You might be worried about the investment required and whether you can recoup it through coaching. We’ll help you see the many ways you’ll experience a return on your investment
3. Self-Doubt: Feeling unsure about your abilities as a coach is common. You may question if you have what it takes to guide and support others effectively
4. Time Commitment: Balancing existing commitments, such as work, family, or personal obligations, can make you question if you have enough time to dedicate to a coach training program. We’ll let you know exactly what’s expected and help you figure out what’s possible and doable
5. Perceived Saturation: You may have concerns about the competitive nature of the coaching industry and wonder if there's room for one more coach. We’ll help illuminate pathways that will distinguish you in a crowded field and support your marketability
6. Imposter Syndrome: The fear of not being "good enough" or feeling like a fraud can be a significant barrier. We’ll help you understand and eventually develop the skills necessary to become an effective coach
7. Lack of Support System: If you don't have a supportive network or people who understand the coaching profession, it can be challenging to navigate this decision alone. We are your community on this journey
8. Uncertain Career Prospects: You may question the potential career prospects and demand for coaches in your area or niche. Our training is complete with a business development unit so you’re starting with a defined plan to grow your practice
9. Fear of Failure: Fear of failure can hold you back from taking the leap into a new endeavor. This training will support you in moving through that fear so that you can then support others!
10. Alignment with Values: You might question if becoming a coach aligns with your core values and personal aspirations. If you’re here, rest assured, we’re aligned, and we’ll tell you more about our values on July 20th
Will you join us?
July 20th, 2023 from 5-6pm Pacific Time
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